Breakfast ideas – Mit együnk reggelire?

Eating well is something I aim for.  It might not happen all the time, but I make sure it starts with eating a good and satisfying breakfast.  For me, breakfast is a priority, the most important meal of the day.  It provides my body and brain with fuel, and it defines my day and sets the intentions for it.

In our home, we eat breakfast as soon as possible after rising, ideally within an hour, to get energized.  I try to avoid situations when there is no time to sit down to eat.  I plan ahead or I put something together quickly.  I might prepare overnight oats (especially for the rainy Seattle mornings) or have breakfast food in the refrigerator or freezer, which I made on the weekend.  In the morning I just heat it up.  Often, the simple and delicious scrambled egg is my choice.  I don’t forbid certain foods for us to eat.  If we want something sweet for breakfast, we will have it.  I always try to include fresh fruit.

So, what do we eat for breakfast?

– Yogurt with a handful of berries or other fruits, nuts or seeds
– Apple slices with nut butter (mainly almond- and peanut butter)
– Fruit salad
– Toast with nut butter, banana slices, chia seeds or flax seeds
– Toast with ricotta cheese and tomato, or with avocado and egg
– Sunny-side up egg and ham or bacon
– Scrambled egg with spinach
– Soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg, or baked egg with cheese and spinach
– Herb omelette, frittata, or quiche
– Breakfast burrito
– Granola or muesli, or whole grain cereal with milk or yogurt
– Cottage cheese with diced apples and walnuts
– Scones with jam
– Pancakes, crepes, or waffles
– Muffins and quick breakfast bread
– Breakfast bars or cookies
– English muffin with cheese, tomato, and egg
– Oatmeal with fruit (mainly berries) and milk, chia or flax seeds, honey or maple syrup
– French toast
– Open-faced sandwich with ham and bell pepper
– Breakfast quinoa with fruit
– Fruit smoothie

Here is a collection of my recipes posted right here on FloorCookies (please click on the links) suitable for breakfast.

I like to start my day well, eating fruit for breakfast.  One of my favorites is this salad.
Fruit salad with honey yogurt – Gyümölcssaláta mézes joghurttal

It’s inevitable for me to eat eggs for breakfast.  Sometimes I enhance the simple scrambled eggs with chopped parsley, spinach, arugula, even cheese or some good quality sausage.
Simple scrambled eggs – Egyszerű tojásrántotta
Hungarian scrambled eggs – Magyaros tojásrántotta

Some breakfasts I prepare the night before.
Chia pudding with banana – Chia puding banánnal
Apple–berry baked oatmeal – Almás–áfonyás sült zabpehely
Baked apples with rolled oat crust – Zabpehely kéreg alatt sült alma

I make pancakes, crêpes, and waffles usually on the weekend.  I freeze some and on workday mornings I warm them up in the microwave.
Classical pancakes– Klasszikus amerikai palacsinta
Ricotta blueberry pancakes– Áfonyás kis túrópalacsinta
Coconut pancakes with mango – Kókuszos palacsinta mangóval
Oven baked Swedish almond pancake – Svéd mandulás-tepsis palacsintalepény
Oven baked cherry crêpes –  Cseresznyés palacsinta sütőben sütve
Hungarian crêpes – Palacsinta
Yeast-raised waffles – Élesztős gofri

I eat my granola (I like the homemade ones) with yogurt and fruit.
Lemon maple granola – Citromos juharszirupos granola
Crunchy maple nut granola – Ropogós juharszirupos diós granola

I love scones.  I bake them often and we eat them with jam.
Cherry almond scone – Cseresznyés mandulás édes pogácsa
Maple oatmeal scone – Juharszirupos zabpelyhes édes pogácsa
Tartine buttermilk scones – A Tartine pékség írós édes pogácsája
Sweet buttermilk scones – Írós édes pogácsa
Lavender walnut scones – Levendulás diós édes pogácsa

And there are the muffins, quick breads, oatmeal, and sometimes even breakfast cookies.
Blueberry muffins – Áfonyás muffin
Pumpkin muffins – Sütőtökös muffinok
Sugar free breakfast muffins – Cukor nélküli muffin reggelire
Sour cream–maple bread – Tejfölös juharszirupos kenyér
Chocolate muscovado banana cake – Csokoládés banántorta muscovado cukorral
Cinnamon sugar pumpkin bread – Fahéjas sütőtökös kenyér
Nutty millet breakfast cookies – Diós köles keksz reggelire
Pozsony crescent – Pozsonyi kifli
The humble cream of wheat – A szerény grízkása
Morning glory oats – Reggeli zabkása

What gets you up in the morning?  What’s your favorite breakfast?  Do you skip breakfast in the name of being rushed?  Tell me your list in the comments.  I am open to good breakfast suggestions.


  1. Susan Coluccio

    Love this post. I usually get stuck in my breakfast routine so these are great options! And plenty of them too.

    • Thanks for your comment, Sue. Yes, it’s good to have a collection of breakfast ideas. It will actually help myself too when I will feel stuck in my breakfast routine. Of course, there are many other ideas too. I hope to expand my collection in the future.

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