Summer vacation, Day 25 – Nyári vakáció, 25. nap

The rain finally came and with it much cooler temperatures. A perfect day for napping and reading.

The excitement of the day was that the College Board released the Advanced Placement Exam scores. This past school year, I had 33 AP Calculus AB students. One of them took the AP Calculus BC Exam – his name naturally didn’t appear on the AB list – but I know he got the highest score (I learned it from a variety of sources). Two of my students are missing from the roster – apparently, sometimes some tests are scored later. College Board promises to have the missing delayed scores by August 15, plus they will update the overall results.

As of today, ALL 30 of my students passed the AP Calculus AB Exam! The grading of the 3 hours 15 minutes long exam is the following: 5 – extremely well qualified, 4 – well qualified, 3 – qualified, 2 – possibly qualified, 1 – no recommendation. My students’ achievements are incredible! The mean score is 4.63. Score 5 was achieved by 22 students, score 4 by 5 students, and 3 students got score 3.

Congratulations, to you all, my amazing, talented, hard-working, dedicated, and persistent students. I’m incredibly proud of your remarkable accomplishments!

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