This past weekend’s weather was magnificent in Seattle. To go for a walk around Green Lake was a great decision I made on Sunday in the midst of a lot of school work. Not even noticing, we walked 3.4 miles with Steve!
Many people were relaxing in the grass while enjoying the sunshine, the scenery, the flowers, and the birds. The park is beautiful in every season but in the spring the sea of daffodils gives it a special charm. This year they opened very early – it’s technically still late winter here.
A múlt hét végén fantasztikus volt az időjárás Seattle-ben. Túl sok iskolai munkám maradt a hétvégére, de ennek ellenére vasárnap sétára indultunk Steve-vel, ami nagyon jó dötésnek bizonyult. Szinte észrevétlenül 5,5 kilométert gyalogoltunk! A Green Lake tó körül sokan a füvön üldögéltek élvezvén a remek napsütést, a látványt, a virágokat, a madarakat. A park minden évszakban gyönyörű, tavasszal különösképp, amikoris a tengernyi nárcisz különlegessé varázsolja. Idén a nárciszok nagyon korán kinyíltak – technikailag itt még mindig tél van.
Great photos! We were there a few weeks ago when the flowers were just popping up. I wish I could have seen them opened last weekend. We did see a lot of ducks and men around the lake with their two fishing poles each.