Tasmania adventures – Tazmániai kalandok

Tasmania is Australia’s island state, the 27th largest island in the world. It’s sparsely populated; approximately 500,000 people live here. It’s an incredibly diverse island with wonderful landscapes and snow-white sandy beaches.

It’s home to exotic animals like the platypus and the bare-nosed wombat – we hope to see some.

We are lucky to spend 9 days on this unique island. Steve is driving the car we rented in Hobart where we flew from Melbourne.

Toyota RAV4 Hybrid

Our adventure is called the Wilderness and Beaches Adventure. We will be staying anywhere from a fancy hotel to a cabin by the sea or in the mountains. Our accommodations were booked ahead by our travel agency but what we do during the day is mainly up to us.

Hobart Waterfront

Here is a glimpse of our itinerary.

Day 6 – September 11, Melbourne to Hobart

Day 7 – September 12, Hobart – explore the capital of Tasmania

Day 8 – September 13, Hobart to Port Arthur – see Freycinet National Park from the air

Day 9 – September 14, Port Arthur to Coles Bay – explore the historical site of Port Arthur

Day 10 – September 15, Coles Bay to Launceston – hike in Freycinet National Park

Day 11 – September 16, Launceston to Cradle Mountain – explore Launceston

Day 12 – September 17, Cradle Mountain – hike in Cradle Mountain

Day 13 – September 18, Cradle Mountain to Strahan – explore Strahan

Day 14 – September 19, Strahan to Launceston – cruise the Gordon River

Stay tuned for some detailed posts about our activities at each location.

Aboriginal Art


One Comment

  1. How glorious that you have 9 days to explore this island.

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