A relaxing day when we tried to recover from a lack of sleep and dealt with some household issues.
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Summer vacation, Day 37 – Nyári vakáció, 37. nap
Today turned out to be a quite short day in Dunaszerdahely (Dunajská Streda). We were happy to meet with good friends and even had a short trip to the Danube River.
Summer vacation, Day 36 – Nyári vakáció, 36. nap
I’ve been waiting for this day for 5 years! It was the day for the 30th reunion with one of my former classes. And this time, we were able to attend!
Summer vacation, Day 35 – Nyári vakáció, 35. nap
I like to think about what happened on a certain day in earlier years.
Summer vacation, Day 34 – Nyári vakáció, 34. nap
A hot summer day with some yard work and lots of relaxation.
Summer vacation, Day 33 – Nyári vakáció, 33. nap
The highlight of the day was a visit from my childhood friend.
Summer vacation, Day 32 – Nyári vakáció, 32. nap
Day 2 of our two-day trip to Banská Štiavnica, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Slovakia.
Summer vacation, Day 31 – Nyári vakáció, 31. nap
Day 1 of our two-day trip to Banská Štiavnica, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Slovakia.
Summer vacation, Day 30 – Nyári vakáció, 30. nap
Today, we were invited to a wonderful Sunday lunch at the apartment of one of my aunts.
Summer vacation, Day 29 – Nyári vakáció, 29. nap
The day went fast with some garden and kitchen work in our little village, Pozba, in Slovakia. We enjoyed the nice warm weather while walking to visit family.
Summer vacation, Day 28 – Nyári vakáció, 28. nap
Today, we had our first daytrip during our Slovakia vacation to the town called Levice.
Summer vacation, Day 27 – Nyári vakáció, 27. nap
I have some good and exciting news today.