Roasted butternut squash and red onions with tahini – Sült kanadai sonkatök és lilahagyma tahini szósszal
“If you want a vegetarian dish to make an impact on the table, this does the job,” states the introduction to Yotam Ottolenghi’s recipe on his website.
Coconut, almond and blueberry cake – Kókuszos, mandulás és áfonyás torta
The cookbook Sweet, written by Yotam Ottolenghi and Helen Goh, was given to me as a thank you gift by one of my students. Thank you, Tennyson!
Creamy tuna and chickpea salad – Majonézes csicseriborsós tonhalsaláta
It’s time again for another simple salad! It’s nutritious and delicious, and it can be put together in a very short time.
Spaghetti with sautéed leafy greens – Spagetti fonnyasztott leveles zöldségekkel
Are you still eating spaghetti with only tomato sauce? For variety, try this version made with leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, arugula, collard greens, chard, lettuce, radish leaves – individually or mixed.
My food moments in 2022 – Ételek, pillanatok 2022-ben
Bagel with leeks and cheese – Bagel póréhagymával és sajttal
A quick breakfast or lunch idea: toast some bagels and top them with a delicious mixture of cooked leeks and cheese.
Jewish apple cake – Diós bögrés almatorta
If you are looking for a great and easy apple cake recipe, you just found one. I had a piece of this cake for the first time this spring on our trip to Colorado. It was so delicious, I had to ask for the recipe!
Pork chops with apples and onions – Almával és hagymával sült sertésszelet
The inspiration for this recipe comes from Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything: The Basics.
Simple applesauce – Egyszerű almaszósz
Growing up in the former Czechoslovakia, I used to eat apples, apple compote, and pastries filled with apples, but never applesauce. Applesauce (or apple puree) was reserved for babies.
The very best oatmeal – A legjobb zabkása
Rich in fiber, low in calories. A healthy oatmeal is always a great choice for breakfast. Make a double batch of it and you can reheat it on those busy mornings.
Cauliflower soup – Karfiolleves
This is the first recipe I tried from A Cook’s Book, Nigel Slater’s new cookbook, published in October of 2021, which has over 200 recipes. It was a Christmas present from my husband, ordered from England, so that I can have the measurements in metric.