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Loveable lemurs – Szeretnivaló lemúrok

Written by my husband, Steve: The island country of Madagascar is, along with the Galapagos Islands, a powerful magnet for those of us drawn to concentrations of rare, isolated, and endemic (occur nowhere else on earth) species.  For example, there are more than 11,000 endemic plant species.  At least 80% of the wildlife is endemic.


Discovering Madagascar – Felfedezzük Madagaszkárt

Madagascar, often referred to as the “eighth continent” because of its unique ecology, is a fascinating, eye-opening, and hidden paradise, the world’s fourth largest island in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa.  It’s not easy to get there but my husband and I were already close, finishing our safari in Tanzania, so it wasn’t too complicated to travel there.


Birds of Africa – Afrika madarai

Written by my husband, Steve: I knew I was in trouble when my friend at work loaned me her copy of the Birds of East Africa Princeton Field Guide in advance of our trip to Kenya and Tanzania – for it consisted of 590 pages and descriptions of 1388 species of birds!  How was I ever going to contend with such overwhelming information while still trying to enjoy the moment of new discoveries? (And that’s not even counting the 300 species found on Madagascar, which was where the last 10 days of our trip would take us!)


Ngorongoro Crater – A Ngorongoro kráter

Written by my husband, Steve: Ever since I was a little boy, I have been entranced by the word “Ngorongoro.”  It represented the exotic, the romantic, and the exciting unknown.  I may have first encountered it in the old Time Life book series on countries or regions of the world.