In many different cuisines, the trinity of onions, carrots, and celery serves as the flavor base for a variety of different dishes. It can be the base for soups, stews, and ragues.
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Simple pasta salad – Egyszerű tésztasaláta
Some people believe that for pasta salad fusilli is the right type. But pasta can take on many different shapes, and you cannot go wrong if you use bowtie (also known as farfalle), rotini, penne, or even angel hair pasta.
Easy duck confit – Omlós kacsacomb
Ever since a friend of mine told me about a local grocery store where one can often buy duck legs, we started purchasing them quite regularly, because we love to eat duck.
Crispy roasted chickpeas – Ropogós sült csicseriborsó
This is a simple, healthy, and delicious snack. You can use canned chickpeas (garbanzo beans) or cook the dried ones yourself. It’s great on its own or as a way to enhance your salads.
Homemade hummus – Házi hummusz
It’s so easy to make this Middle Eastern classic, regardless of whether you start with dried chickpeas and cook them yourself, or if you are using drained canned chickpeas.
Sweet potato wedges with lemongrass crème fraîche – Édesburgonya hasábok citromnádas crème fraîche-vel
This recipe is one of the 120 vibrant vegetable recipes from the wonderful cookbook Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi. The book was a present a few years ago from my dear friend, Kathy, and since then it inspires me to eat more vegetables.
Chicken salad with mayonnaise – Majonézes csirkesaláta
I like to keep this delicious salad very simple using leftover rotisserie or cooked chicken (or turkey), celery, scallions (green onions), but sometimes I might add some grapes, chopped apples or pears, walnuts or almonds, fresh herbs, or chopped hard-boiled eggs.
Herbed green quinoa – Fűszernövényes zöld quinoa
I love quinoa and I love Anna Jones recipes. I have all her five cookbooks. Even though I’m not a vegetarian, I try to incorporate her vegetarian recipes into my cooking as often as possible.
Crispy biscuits – Ropogós pogácsa
Renowned chef and cookbook author Edna Lewis taught the American public to appreciate the traditional southern cuisine.
Carrot soup with tahini and rosemary – Sárgarépaleves tahinivel és rozmaringgal
I love soups, at any time of the year! In this recipe, the crispy chickpeas, tahini, and rosemary are Anna Jones’ addition to the humble carrot soup.
Warm potato salad with greens and herbs – Meleg burgonyasaláta leveles zöldségekkel és zöldfűszerekkel
These warm potatoes – a vegetarian entrée – are full of healthy greens, peas, and fresh herbs.
Roast cauliflower with carrot hummus – Sült karfiol sárgarépás hummusszal
This dish – full of softness and sweetness – looks very festive because of its color and the pomegranate seeds. But the food will be equally delicious if you leave out the pomegranate.