I love the simplicity of classic scrambled eggs. Especially, when I scramble them in duck fat. Farm fresh eggs are always a bonus.
Recent Posts
Send off to summer: A walk in Magnuson Park – Irány a nyár! Séta a Magnuson parkban
The invitation came via email. Meet at a friend’s house in the afternoon, go for a pre-summer walk, bring some salads or appetizers, and have a light dinner together. Beverages would be provided by the hostess.
Fruit salad with honey yogurt – Gyümölcssaláta mézes joghurttal
There is nothing more satisfying than starting your day by eating fruit. Here is a wonderful fruit salad full of nutrients that you can vary according to what fruit is in season. Aim for a colorful bowl.
Iris – Írisz, azaz nőszirom
Have you heard about the goddess of the rainbow from Greek mythology? You could think about her often – just plant some irises in your garden.
For my graduating students – Végzős diákjaimnak
Just a few more days, and 54 of you, seniors in my three Advanced Placement Calculus AB classes will be gone from my classroom. You will start a new and exciting journey in college or will travel the world for a while. Wherever you will be, please don’t forget this great group that you were part of. I know, I won’t.
Summer cake – Nyári torta
My birthday present with the gift note “Happy cooking and happy blogging!” arrived on Friday afternoon. I could not have been happier! The newest Nigel Slater cookbook A Year of Good Eating: The Kitchen Diaries III, sent from Great Britain, ordered by my son. Thank you, Dávid!
Wisteria – Lilaakác
The hanging clusters and the light sweet fragrance of wisteria amaze me during its flowering season. We are lucky to have this woody climbing vine (Wisteria sinensis) over the arch of the entry to our courtyard. Here are a few shots to give you a taste of its beauty.
Yellow icing walnut bars – Sárgatetejű
These unique walnut bars are one of my childhood favorites. In Hungarian we informally called it “sárgatetejű,” which mean “bars with yellow icing.” The recipe comes from my mother’s treasured collection.
Thought on what defines us – Ami meghatároz minket
“It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.” – Jane Austen
Last visit from this year’s tulips – Tulipáncsokor idén utoljára
Earlier, I mentioned here on the blog, that the tulip doesn’t occupy a very prominent place among my favorite flowers. However, from time to time I can hardly get enough of their beauty. I am astonished at their diversity, both in color and form. There are close to one hundred species and thousands of breeds of tulips.
Chocolate orange cream – Csokoládés narancskrém
When you quickly want to prepare a simple dessert which is delicious and not very sweet, this could be it. The recipe is from Frame-by-Frame Quick & Easy, a visual step-by-step cookbook from the British series Love Food. The orange could be replaced with any kind of citrus fruit. In my opinion, the cream is best when served warm.
The beauty of tulips – A tulipánok szépsége
I let these tulips speak for themselves. Hagyom, hogy ezek a tulipánok önmagukért beszéljenek.