For two days in the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya, on the banks of the Uaso Nyro River, a unique accommodation served as our base for safari.
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Mount Kenya rainforest – A Kenya-hegy esőerdeje
A unique experience awaited us in the afternoon of our sixth day in Kenya in the foothills of Africa’s second highest mountain.
Colorful Kenya – A színes Kenya
The sky blue and vivid green, the pink and deep yellow, the bright orange, the striking red. All these colors!
Amboseli moments again – Ismét az Amboseli parkról
What an incredible feeling to see the snowcapped Mount Kilimanjaro!
Amboseli moments – Amboseli pillanatok
Sad to leave the giraffes but looking forward to meeting the famous elephants of Amboseli.
Giraffe Manor – Zsiráf szálló
To start of our adventure in Africa meant feeding a giraffe! We spent our first night in an exclusive hotel in Nairobi that is famous for its herd of resident endangered Rothschild giraffes.
Flying in style – Stílusos repülés
After many years of flying in economy class to different destinations of the world, we decided it was time to upgrade to business class. And flying with Ethiopian Airline was worth all the money!
Africa packing list – Csomagolási lista afrikai utazáshoz
What did I pack for five weeks in Kenya, Tanzania, and Madagascar? Here is our list. It’s almost the same for each of us (I noted the differences in parentheses).
Packing for Africa – Csomagolás az afrikai útra
Three countries, five weeks, and 33 pounds. How and what to pack? Part of the planning stages for our African trip were getting packing ideas, shopping in our closets, buying some special clothing, then ruthless editing.
Africa, here we come! – Afrika, jövünk!
The planning for the trip of a lifetime is over. Yes, we are ready for a new adventure. Africa, here we come!
Thought on mistake – Gondolat a hibáról
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein
Goat cheese-garlic spread – Fokhagymás kecskesajtkrém
It’s good to have a simple recipe in your repertoire for a tasty spread suitable for dinner, snack, or party. And if you can prepare it in a few minutes, that’s a bonus.