No doubt, it is one of the natural wonders of the world. Steve, a wildlife biologist by training, wanted to witness this his entire life. I happily agreed to share the experience.
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The authentic Kati Kati bush camp – Az autentikus Kati Kati bozóttábor
This was a classic tented camp we stayed at during our safari that resembled most of the old-style camps of the early explorers of Africa. There was a big difference though – it had the comforts of the modern world.
Serengeti balloon safari – Hőlégballonnal a Serengeti felett
Flying high in Africa! Amazing scenery, amazing experience! Getting a unique perspective of the mesmerizing Serengeti National Park.
The famous Serengeti – A híres Serengeti
“Will we witness the wildebeest migration here?” was our unspoken question. We were more than ready for our adventure in Tanzania. Located near the Kenyan border, the Serengeti – one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites – is one of Africa’s most popular parks. Sharing the same ecosystem with Maasai Mara, it’s famous not only for the wildebeest migration, but also for the beauty of its endless plain and for the diversity of its flora and fauna.
The stunning Maasai Mara – A csodás Maasai Mara
Where can someone see the most exciting event of the natural world, the wildebeest migration? One of the two sites where this happens is the famous UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Maasai Mara. For three days, both Steve and I were full of anticipation.
The unique Hammerkop camp – Az egyedülálló Hammerkop tábor
If you want to camp with hippos and Nile crocodiles, this camp is for you. It’s located in the heart of the world famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. The staff is so friendly and attentive to your needs that you feel like royalty during your stay.
At hell’s gate – A pokol kapujában
We were almost there. The roads were dusty and bumpy. But the scenery was beautiful, breathtaking, dramatic, spectacular, and fascinating.
Boat safari on Lake Naivasha – Csónakázás a Naivasha tavon
A boat safari is basically a guided boat ride, which we took on a beautiful day on Kenya’s second largest freshwater lake. Since I am not a big “water person” and didn’t know what to expect, to my great surprise, I enjoyed the experience very much.
Flamingos of Lake Nakuru? – A Nakuru-tó flamingói?
To continue our Kenyan safari, we were excited to see the world famous pink skies of Lake Nakuru caused by the flight of thousands, or even millions of flamingos.
Meeting the rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy – Találkozás az orrszarvúkkal
Why not to visit the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa and see two of the world’s remaining northern white rhinos? We naturally added this stop to our Kenya safari.
Sweetwaters tented camp – A Sweetwaters sátortábor
The natural beauty of this camp and its surroundings is very inspiring. Unfortunately, we stayed here for only one day.
Samburu safari – Vadlesen Samburuban
On the seventh and eighth day of our trip, we went on three safaries in the Samburu National Reserve in the northern part of Kenya.