This is a tart which won’t disappoint you! Every time I baked it – whether for ourselves or for our friends – it was received with great enthusiasm. I adapted the recipe from Mai magyar konyha by Tamás Bereznay (the title translates into English, word-by-word, as Today’s Hungarian Cuisine).
Maple-oatmeal scone – Juharszirupos zabpelyhes édes pogácsa
After a short break in baking and blogging, I’m back in the kitchen, and sharing a recipe on this blog. Today’s morning treat is a simple scone served with my favorite jam from Emily Luchetti’s The Fearless Baker.
Coconut vanilla loaf – Vaníliás kókuszkenyér
My trusted source for something delicious is definitely Anna Jones’s brilliant book, A modern way to eat. This time I chose a cake/bread that celebrates her favorite ingredient: coconut.
Sweet potato & butternut squash soup – Édesburgonyás sütőtökkrémleves
Earlier on this blog, in the introduction of my cauliflower soup recipe, I mentioned that once I read advice about not cooking soup for a big crowd because it would generate too many (extra) dishes that would need to be cleaned. A few weeks ago, I purposely went against this advice because I wanted a soup as the first course for the lunch that Steve and I were hosting for my lovely mother-in-law’s 88th birthday.
Two-colored sandwich cookies – Felemás
By now, you might have noticed that I quite often cook and bake from Hungarian cookbooks. Many recipes from these books I’ve used multiple times, since some of these books I’ve had for a long time. However, today I am presenting a recipe from Sütemény és torta by Mari Lajos that’s new for me. This is the first time I baked these little sandwich cookies. Half of the cookies have light color, half of them are dark from added cocoa powder.
Lemon maple granola – Citromos juharszirupos granola
As you probably know, making your own granola is one of the easiest things you can do in the kitchen. You actually don’t need a recipe if you keep the 6:1 ratio of dry and wet ingredients in mind. You might recall reading about this in one of my earlier posts of crunchy maple nut granola. However, today I do recommend that you check out this new recipe.
My food moments in 2016 – Ételek, pillanatok 2016-ban
Creamy mashed potatoes – Krémes burgonyapüré
No doubt, mashed potatoes are an ultimate comfort food. These are the smoothest, creamiest, and flavorful mashed potatoes you can imagine. Warning: they are very rich in butter and therefore very delicious. Give it a try, especially around the holidays.
Sugar free breakfast muffins – Cukormentes muffinok reggelire
Have you dreamt about cutting back on sugar, at least a little bit? Here is a good way to start. This muffin recipe comes from Kathy Abascal’s The Abascal Way Cookbook. There is no sugar (of any kind) in these muffins, and they don’t have any flour either.
Orange and roasted beet salad – Narancsos sült céklasaláta
Roasted beets can be effectively used as a basis for a variety of dishes, whether it’s a soup or a salad, a sandwich or a puree. They can be pre-baked and stored in the refrigerator for a few days.
Hungarian cucumber salad – Magyaros uborkasaláta
When I was growing up, in the summer, cucumber salad used to be on the menu in our house almost daily. We ate it as an accompaniment to fried chicken or a roast, but I liked it the most with a simple Hungarian potato dish made with sweet paprika spice.
Summer riches – Nyári gazdagság
In Pozba, our small village in the South-West region of Slovakia, summer for me mostly means relaxing, but there is also working around our house and garden, visiting family and friends, and eating lots of delicious local foods.