Author: Márta


Baked fish and chips – Sült hal és sült krumpli

Both Steve and I love to eat fish, and despite this, I still don’t cook it often enough.  The reason might be that I didn’t grow up close to a big river or sea – we have only a little creek in my village – and cooks at the time of my upbringing prepared maybe frozen fish fillet a few times a year by deep frying it, so there wasn’t a great history of cooking and eating fish.  However, now I live close to an ocean in a city with a great fish tradition, but dealing with fish in my […]


I did it – Megcsináltam

Yes, I completed it!  I finished my very first National Blog Post Month challenge, the NaBloPoMo.  I made it through thirty straight days of blogging successfully.  I showed up every day with a new post, just like I promised at the beginning.  It was definitely a good exercise for me.  Like daily homework for my students.  Even more.