Who can resist a rich chocolate brownie? Yes, it’s high in calories but eating brownies in moderation can be part of a healthy lifestyle.
Author: Márta
Red lentil, carrot, and cumin soup – Sárgarépás vöröslencse-leves római köménnyel
This easy and healthy soup is one of my comfort foods. It’s a quick one because the red lentils cook very fast.
Thought on difficulties in math – Gondolat a matematika nehézségeiről
“Do not worry about difficulties in mathematics; I can assure you mine are still greater.” — Albert Einstein
Panettone bread pudding – Olasz kenyérpuding
Panettone, this sweet Italian Christmas bread, loaded with candied citrus and raisins, is excellent not only on its own, but also as the main ingredient in bread pudding.
January morning stillness – Egy januári reggel nyugalma
Cold, frosty, frozen. Lots of gray, mixed with some white.
Wintry walks in my village – Téli séták falunkban
It’s good for my soul when I visit my little village, Pozba, in Slovakia. In 2019, after many summer visits, it was time to see the familiar places of my childhood in the winter.
Snowy January snapshots – Havas januári pillanatképek
My food moments in 2019 – Ételek, pillanatok 2019-ben
Roasted butternut squash – Sült kanadai sonkatök
I love roasted vegetables very much, including roasted winter squashes. Roasted squashes are delicious on their own, but I also add them to salads.
Fall at our place – Nálunk az ősz
Hello from our garden. It never fails to amaze us, especially in the fall.
Kohlrabi leek soup – Pórés karalábéleves
I love a good soup. This is one of my favorites; it uses kohlrabi – a quite underrated and, in the US, a not very well-known vegetable. Kohlrabi is fantastic in vegetable soup, but it really shines on its own (with the help of some potatoes) in this soup.