Written by my husband, Steve: I had the honor and thrill of being the first Manager of Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park. It was a long journey to get to that place. From the abandonment of the fortress in 1854, to the formation of the Brimstone Hill Society in 1965, to national legislation formally designating the National Park in 1987.
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Coconut, almond and blueberry cake – Kókuszos, mandulás és áfonyás torta
The cookbook Sweet, written by Yotam Ottolenghi and Helen Goh, was given to me as a thank you gift by one of my students. Thank you, Tennyson!
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Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Part 1: History – Brimstone Hill Fortress Nemzeti Park 1. rész: Történelem
Written by my husband, Steve: All these years later I am still proud and humbled to have been the first manager of Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park on the Eastern Caribbean island of St. Kitts. It was November 1987, and I was a newly arrived U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer.
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Our November garden – Novemberi kertünk
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Jewish apple cake – Diós bögrés almatorta
If you are looking for a great and easy apple cake recipe, you just found one. I had a piece of this cake for the first time this spring on our trip to Colorado. It was so delicious, I had to ask for the recipe!