From the many ways of preparing potatoes, I love the simplicity of these roasted ones with caraway seeds and flaky sea salt. Perfect and very delicious as a side to any roast meat or just by itself.
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The humble cream of wheat – A szerény grízkása
Sometimes the simplest food is the best. When faced with the choice whether to eat a bowl of store bought cereal for breakfast or something else – which might actually need quick preparation – I prefer the latter. Even on workdays.
Hungarian “gulyás” with sauerkraut – Székelygulyás
In many Hungarian meat recipes you start with a pörkölt, then you enhance this base to create a new dish. Such is the case with this popular one-pot dish called székelygulyás. Székely is an ethnic group of Hungarians in Transylvania (Romania) but the dish is not named after them.
Quick apricot tray bake – Gyors sárgabarackos sütemény
If you need a quick and easy recipe for a summer dessert, you just found one.
Crusty white sandwich bread – Fehér szendvicskenyér
In these days, you can often read that you should be eating baked goods made with whole wheat flour. Yes, but sometimes you just need a piece of delicious white bread.
Lemon poppy seed madeleines – Citromos mákos madeleinek
In the early 20th century, the French writer Marcel Proust immortalized the humble madeleine in his novel Remembrance of Things Past (À la recherche du temps perdu). Madeleine is a French pastry resembling a tiny pearl which has a crumbly and light sponge-cake like texture.
Viennese potato salad – Bécsi krumplisaláta
According to the International Potato Center, an organization for agricultural research and development in Peru, “The potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption.
Upside down cherry cake with almond streusel – Borított mandulás-morzsás cseresznyetorta
After tasting the sample of the freshly baked upside down cherry cake our friend Kathleen gave us, I knew immediately I was going to bake it myself. Very soon. There were cherries in the fridge waiting for the perfect use.
Oven baked cherry crêpes – Cseresznyés palacsinta sütőben sütve
Do you like crêpes as much as I do? These traditional Hungarian crêpes are my favorites, but sometimes I am short on time or not in the mood to fry them individually, especially in the morning. Or when it’s hot out there in the summer. Here is a version for those kinds of days.
Cherry pastry – Cseresznyés béles
It’s finally cherry season in the Pacific Northwest! After seeing the amount of Rainier and Bing cherries we received a few days ago in our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) box, I knew immediately we wouldn’t just eat them in their natural form, but there would be baking with them as well.
Flowers on the first day of summer – Virágok a nyár első napján
I could have spent the first day of summer in Seattle in many different ways. I could have visited one of the beautiful parks of the city including a park on the beach of Puget Sound. I could have gone to a movie to see one of the new films of the season. I could have sat in a café with friends enjoying their company and a cup of tea. The list could be much longer.
Quinoa salad with peas and beans– Borsós-babos quinoa saláta
Quinoa is always an excellent choice when you want to make a good grain salad. It cooks fast, it’s gluten-free, and you can make it as colorful and as tasty as you wish. Your imagination and creativity can truly shine when making a quinoa salad.