“Old Henry Lee stood transfixed by all the commotion at the Panama Hotel. What had started as a crowd of curious onlookers eyeballing a television news crew had now swollen into a polite mob of shoppers, tourists, and a few punk-looking street kids, all wondering what the big deal was.
Recent Posts
Easter mood – Húsvéti hangulat
Early spring – Koratavasz
Sunny and windless afternoons, magnificent colors – flowers and flowering trees. There is a lot to look at in the gardens and in the parks already!
Corn and pea salad with mayo – Kukorica- és zöldborsósaláta
Here is a simple and festive salad, which is perfect with ham, fish, and cold roasts. We love it very much. It’s ready in a few moments, especially when using canned (or frozen and thawed) corn and green peas.
Antique Easter postcards – Antik húsvéti képeslapok
Did you remember to send a traditional Easter card this year? Maybe it’s not as common anymore as it was in the last century, but a handwritten card can still be a nice touch.
Thought on love – Gondolat a szeretetről
“Smart man does not love because it is advantageous, but because love is, in itself, happiness.” — Blaise Pascal
Snowy morning – Havas reggel
We don’t get much snow in Seattle. But when it snows – even just a little – it makes me excited and happy.
Antique Valentine’s Day postcards – Antik Valentin-napi képeslapok
Did you know that Americans send more than 140 million Valentine’s Day greeting cards annually to their loved ones and friends?
Broccoli leek soup – Póréhagymás brokkolikrémleves
Would you like to bring a little spring into your kitchen and life in the winter? Here is a healthy, green, vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free soup that fits the bill and uses only a few ingredients.
Thought on small steps – Gondolat a kis lépésekről
Prayer by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Lord, teach me the art of small steps! I do not ask for miracles or visions, but I ask for strength for everyday life.
My food moments in 2017 – Ételek, pillanatok 2017-ben
Snowy ornaments – Havas díszek
When nature makes our winter garden decorations more spectacular!