Do you like sunshine and being protected from the wind? Dahlia, this colorful spiky perennial, this beloved elegant garden flower that is native to Mexico, definitely does.
Summer riches – Nyári gazdagság
In Pozba, our small village in the South-West region of Slovakia, summer for me mostly means relaxing, but there is also working around our house and garden, visiting family and friends, and eating lots of delicious local foods.
Iris – Írisz, azaz nőszirom
Have you heard about the goddess of the rainbow from Greek mythology? You could think about her often – just plant some irises in your garden.
Wisteria – Lilaakác
The hanging clusters and the light sweet fragrance of wisteria amaze me during its flowering season. We are lucky to have this woody climbing vine (Wisteria sinensis) over the arch of the entry to our courtyard. Here are a few shots to give you a taste of its beauty.
Last visit from this year’s tulips – Tulipáncsokor idén utoljára
Earlier, I mentioned here on the blog, that the tulip doesn’t occupy a very prominent place among my favorite flowers. However, from time to time I can hardly get enough of their beauty. I am astonished at their diversity, both in color and form. There are close to one hundred species and thousands of breeds of tulips.
The beauty of tulips – A tulipánok szépsége
I let these tulips speak for themselves. Hagyom, hogy ezek a tulipánok önmagukért beszéljenek.
It’s spring! Beautiful! – Tavasz van! Gyönyörű!
Once it’s sprinkling rain, other times light breeze, and more and more often bright sunshine. Flowers, flowering trees – whites, pinks, yellows, reds, blues, and purples. The smell and the colors of spring. Pictures instead of words.
January gardens – Januári kertek
The blanket of snow has been missing from Seattle gardens this January. The weather is quite mild and of course there is rain. In the gardens, there are trees with bare branches and occasional seed pods or dry leaves on them, providing food for visiting birds.
Marvelous colors – Csodálatos színek
Lonely autumn leaves – Magányos őszi falevelek
Birdhouse in the fall – Madárház ősszel
Framed autumn – Bekeretezett ősz
Sometimes we just view the world through a window. November in our garden. Néha a világot csak ablakon keresztül látjuk. November a kertünkben.