Just a brief reminder that – whether we realize it or not – mathematics is everywhere in our lives. “We all use math every day; to predict weather, to tell time, to handle money. Math is more than formulas or equations; it’s logic, it’s rationality; it’s using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.”
Author: Márta
Cauliflower & parmesan soup – Parmezánsajtos karfiolleves
I read in a cookbook recently, that when having guests for dinner – especially if it’s a big party – we should serve soup as the first course. We could make it a day or two earlier and this would cut back on the work on the day of the gathering. In another book the author stated that we shouldn’t be serving soup because that would definitely add to the number of dishes we will need to clean. Whatever it is that you prefer, cooking and eating soup is always a good idea – especially now that the weather is […]
Brussels sprouts with white beans and Pecorino – Kelbimbó fehérbabbal és pecorinóval
I must admit we don’t eat too many Brussels sprouts in my house. This might easily change. Both Steve and I really liked this dish in which roasted Brussels sprouts are combined with white beans and cheese.
Marvelous colors – Csodálatos színek
Thought on life – Gondolat az életről
“Life can be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” — Soren Kierkegaard
Slow-roasted nuts with sage leaves – Lassan pörkölt vegyes dió zsályalevéllel
How about a quick snack today? Maybe from different kinds of nuts? You might want these around your house for the holidays. They are very delicious both warm and at room temperature.
Lonely autumn leaves – Magányos őszi falevelek
November shadows – Novemberi árnyékok
Thanksgiving recipes – Amerikai hálaadásnapi receptek
Today, I am not posting a recipe that I have tried in my kitchen. Instead – since Thansgiving is upon us very quickly – here are a few recipes, which I collected from some of my favorite food blogs. They might inspire you and you might give some of them a try this year, or maybe later. I know, I definitely will.
Bird by bird – Madaranként
Two-thirds of the challenge I signed up for has been completed! In the midst of all I had to do and chose to do the last twenty days, there were times when I got to thinking – even just for a moment – about many things. What do I want to do in my days? What are my priorities? What personal relationships do I want to work on? How much time I want to devote to different activities, including writing of this blog?
Baked rice pudding – Rizskók
I’ve been using this recipe for a baked rice pudding for many years. When my friend Zsuzsa offered for me to taste the pudding for the first time, I knew I had found one of my favorite recipes, and since that time I’ve never used a different recipe.