Author: Márta
Early spring – Koratavasz
Sunny and windless afternoons, magnificent colors – flowers and flowering trees. There is a lot to look at in the gardens and in the parks already!
Corn and pea salad with mayo – Kukorica- és zöldborsósaláta
Here is a simple and festive salad, which is perfect with ham, fish, and cold roasts. We love it very much. It’s ready in a few moments, especially when using canned (or frozen and thawed) corn and green peas.
Antique Easter postcards – Antik húsvéti képeslapok
Did you remember to send a traditional Easter card this year? Maybe it’s not as common anymore as it was in the last century, but a handwritten card can still be a nice touch.
Thought on love – Gondolat a szeretetről
“Smart man does not love because it is advantageous, but because love is, in itself, happiness.” — Blaise Pascal
Snowy morning – Havas reggel
We don’t get much snow in Seattle. But when it snows – even just a little – it makes me excited and happy.
Antique Valentine’s Day postcards – Antik Valentin-napi képeslapok
Did you know that Americans send more than 140 million Valentine’s Day greeting cards annually to their loved ones and friends?
Broccoli leek soup – Póréhagymás brokkolikrémleves
Would you like to bring a little spring into your kitchen and life in the winter? Here is a healthy, green, vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free soup that fits the bill and uses only a few ingredients.
Thought on small steps – Gondolat a kis lépésekről
Prayer by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Lord, teach me the art of small steps! I do not ask for miracles or visions, but I ask for strength for everyday life.
My food moments in 2017 – Ételek, pillanatok 2017-ben
Snowy ornaments – Havas díszek
When nature makes our winter garden decorations more spectacular!
Magical white Christmas – Varázslatos fehér karácsony
The stillness of Christmas morning, the unexpected snow on the tree branches and on the ground, the crisp air, the sound of our steps in the snow, the quietness of Green Lake. The white wonder and magic of the snow making the holiday more festive. Merry Christmas!