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Turmeric cashews – Kurkumás kesudió

“This Middle-Eastern style snack is both tasty and filled with microbiota accessible carbohydrates,” write Justin and Erica Sonnenburg in their book The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long Term Health.  They named the snack “Cashews for Your Commensals” but for the sake of simplicity I call it “Turmeric Cashews” after Heidi Swanson, who published a recipe by this name last May on her blog 101 Cookbooks. 


Microbes that help – A segítő mikrobák

Are you interested in a better understanding of health and fitness?  Do you know what microbiota is?  Do you care about your gut microbes?  You might consider reading the book The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long Term Health, by Justin and Erica Sonnenburg.


Crunchy maple nut granola – Ropogós juharszirupos diós granola

Served with yogurt and fresh seasonal fruit, this is one of the easiest and most gratifying breakfasts.  Making granola at home isn’t complicated at all.  You actually don’t even need a recipe, just keep in mind the ratio of 6:1 of the dry and the wet ingredients, and don’t forget that you must have rolled oats in granola.  If you have a recipe available, view it as a template and customize it – endlessly – to your liking.