One of my favorite pastas is the traditional Hungarian cabbage pasta. In my childhood, I always ate it with sugar, but in these days sometimes I prefer the peppered version. I serve it as a second course after a hearty soup. It’s a perfect comfort food, especially on a rainy day.
Recent Posts
Public art in Sacramento – Köztéri művészet Sacramentóban
While visiting Sacramento in the end of September, during the lunch breaks of the 9th International Food Blogger Conference, I got a chance to walk in the city. Besides enjoying the weather and the walk itself, I enjoyed the public art displayed along the streets.
Snapshots from Sacramento – Pillanatképek Sacramentóból
It wasn’t the first time that I visited Sacramento, the capital of California. But it was the first time that I got a chance to explore it on my own, even though I didn’t have too much time to do so.
IFBC 2017: Eat, blog, connect – Nemzetközi gasztroblogger konferencia
“Have fun!” said my husband, as I headed to the precheck security line at SeaTac airport on a Thursday evening. I usually don’t fly alone, we like to have trips together, but this time I was going to have the weekend adventure on my own. It started immediately: I was pulled aside for a random check of my carry-ons, mainly my electronics. The tools of the trade. Everything was all right.
Thought on time – Gondolat az időről
“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” — Harwey Mackay
A summer sampling – Néhány kép a nyárról
Photographic impressions from seven countries and twenty destinations from the summer of 2017. A teasing this time, but soon I will take you on exciting journeys. Stay tuned for more details from our travels.
My mother’s potato salad – Édesanyám krumplisalátája
The recipe that follows is the way my mother used to prepare potato salad with mayonnaise and sour cream. It’s my favorite salad.
Sourdough baking at the Sea Wolf bakery – Kovászos kenyérsütés a Sea Wolf pékségben
The signs were all there for some time: The article I read about them, their tasty baguette, which I bought in the Little Lago Grocer close to my school, and the crispy but not too buttery chocolate croissant – hiding bittersweet Valrhona chocolate – I ate from the selection of their morning pastries a friend of mine brought to a school meeting one day.
Almond-pear crumble tart – Mandulás körtetorta
This is a tart which won’t disappoint you! Every time I baked it – whether for ourselves or for our friends – it was received with great enthusiasm. I adapted the recipe from Mai magyar konyha by Tamás Bereznay (the title translates into English, word-by-word, as Today’s Hungarian Cuisine).
Walking in Prague – Prágai séta
There are many different ways to enjoy Prague, to be a tourist in the Golden City, the Czech capital. The city is the place of my college years; I feel at home here. Let me share with you some of my favorite walks on the cobblestone streets, seeing some of the famous sites.
Maple-oatmeal scone – Juharszirupos zabpelyhes édes pogácsa
After a short break in baking and blogging, I’m back in the kitchen, and sharing a recipe on this blog. Today’s morning treat is a simple scone served with my favorite jam from Emily Luchetti’s The Fearless Baker.
Thought on how to live – Gondolat arról, hogyan éljünk
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein