These waffles are a variation on the popular American breakfast food. The recipe comes from the cookbook A modern way to eat by Anna Jones. I got very excited about this recipe because instead of the usual all-purpose flour the main ingredient here is ground oats; I rushed to try it.
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Kale chips – Fodros kel-chips
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May beauties – Májusi szépségek
There are so many pretty flowers in May in Seattle! It makes May one of the most beautiful months of the year here, especially this year, when the temperatures are high on many days, and it feels more like Summer than Spring.
I miss you all already! – Már hiányoztok!
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Apple and apricot loaf – Almás-sárgabarackos kenyér
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Almond and chocolate chip granola – Mandulás-csokis granola
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Snowmen – Hóemberek
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Quinoa risotto with mashed peas – Quinoa rizottó pürésített borsóval
Ready in 20-25 minutes. This risotto is not creamy, not made from rice, not full of cheese, but “it’s got the warming, hearty, nurturing feeling that I love in a risotto,” says Anna Jones in the introduction of this recipe in her great cookbook A Modern Way to Cook.
Walk around Green Lake in the winter – Téli séta a Green Lake tó körül
This morning, walking around the lake meant walking in the snow. Winter walks in Seattle usually don’t involve snow – rain mainly, or chilly, dry conditions. But lots of show fell during the night, and I wanted to see the local winter wonderland as soon as possible.
Dazzling snow – Káprázatos hó
Details in the snow – Részletek a hóban
This morning, the snow blanketed the garden and the neighborhood. It’s early February, and we have a snow day!