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Quick quinoa salad – Gyors quinoa saláta

Quinoa is one of those whole grains with high protein content that cooks very quickly.  It’s actually a seed and has a nutty taste; its origins are in South America.  To make a tasty quinoa salad is just a matter of 25-30 minutes.  There are endless variations to this salad depending on what you like or what is available in your refrigerator.


Walnut stars – Diós csillagok

These delicious little cookies are very easy to make, and they can be decorated for any occasion.  As Christmas cookies, a piece of walnut, a candy, or dried fruit could be pressed in the middle of them before baking.


Cheese and apple puffs – Sajtos almás párna

From the moment I discovered Nigel Slater’s cookbooks, his TV-show on BBC, and his recipes in The Guardian, I was hooked.  I like his writing a lot.  I like his style of talking about food, but most importantly, the simplicity of his recipes.  I started creating and re-creating what I read, and what I watched online.


First of December – December elseje

Gray and rainy morning, gray the whole day.  Sipping my favorite Earl Gray, reading the Sunday paper and a book about books.  Planning the holiday schedule, deciding on projects to undertake.  And surprised by the still existing colors in the garden.


Yeast-raised waffles – Élesztős gofri

In the last two months at work, two of my colleagues surprised me with two different issues of this year’s SAVEUR magazine.  Kathy thought I would enjoy the article on Hungarian cooking in the October 2013 issue – yes, I did very much – and Peter, while giving me a bunch of architectural and gardening magazines, maybe threw into the mix the January/February issue just for variety.


Thought on being whole – Légy teljes

To be great, be whole To be great, be whole; exclude Nothing, exaggerate nothing that is you. Be whole in everything.  Put all you are Into the smallest thing you do. The whole moon gleams in every pool, It rides so high. —  Fernando Pessoa


Hungarian apple tart – Almás pite

The Hungarian word pite is not easy to translate into English. My dictionary says: pite – fruit-flan, pie, tart, and for almás pite – apple tart/turnover. Other sources call it apple cake. The name doesn’t really matter – the two flaky buttery crusts, bottom and top, filled with cinnamon flavored apples make one of the classic Hungarian pastry staples.