

Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Part 3: The Fortress – Brimstone Hill Fortress Nemzeti Park 3. rész: Az erődítmény

Written by my husband, Steve: The best way to learn about a people, a culture, a country, or a particular place is to experience it daily for an extended period of time. My fortunate two years as the Manager of Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park afforded me a seldom glimpsed view into some of the more arcane and unusual histories of that Park.


Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Part 2: The Park Manager – Brimstone Hill Fortress Nemzeti Park 2. rész: A park vezetője

Written by my husband, Steve: I had the honor and thrill of being the first Manager of Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park. It was a long journey to get to that place. From the abandonment of the fortress in 1854, to the formation of the Brimstone Hill Society in 1965, to national legislation formally designating the National Park in 1987.