Many of us have numerous recipes hand-written in notebooks or on recipe cards, clippings from newspapers and magazines in a folder or drawer waiting be tried, recipes saved on our computer or bookmarked online.
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My Christmas decorating – Karácsonyi díszítéseim
I like simplicity in everything, including Christmas decorating. Too many lights, too many artificial things displayed, and too much glitter – it’s just too much for me. I believe, less can be more.
Thought on wisdom – A bölcsességről
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life-long attempt to acquire it.” — Albert Einstein
Turkey, sage, and pine nut meatballs – Pulykafasírt zsályával és fenyőmaggal
While looking through The Whole Foods Market Cookbook, I came across an interesting recipe for turkey meatballs. These meatballs are very different from those I grew up with.
Thanksgiving/birthday dinner at our house – Hálaadásnapi/születésnapi vacsora nálunk
Thanksgiving, this special American national holiday, is always the fourth Thursday of November. Family members (and often friends) get together over a big feast of turkey (even though in these days turkey meat is not necessarily served) and give thanks for the blessings of the year.
Walk around Green Lake in the fall – Őszi séta a Green Lake tó körül
Green Lake Park is one of the most popular parks in Seattle. In every season, including fall, there are thousands of people walking or biking the 2.8 miles (4.5 kilometers) long path around the lake while enjoying the scenery.
Flatbread with rosemary and onion – Rozmaringos-hagymás lepény
Inspired by my hamburger bun baking, I wanted more, this time a different type of bread. Maybe a bit bigger than buns. I went back to the Making Fresh Bread cookbook, and there it was: the good looking sounding simple enough recipe for a flatbread.
Blueberry and mascarpone tart – Mascarponekrémes áfonyás pite
A few years ago on a flight to Europe while reading a magazine – no memory what kind – I discovered a few recipes from the Australian cook Donna Hay. I am not a magazine fan at all, but upon my return to the USA I went on a quest to find her cooking magazine. Until a year ago, I diligently bought the issues always one-two months behind the current ones, and sometimes I couldn’t even find them in the various bookstores or magazine stands in Seattle.
The yellow beauty of fall – Az ősz sárga szépsége
I dream of coloured inks. Of every kind.
Hungarian crêpes – Palacsinta
One day, when I was in seventh grade, probably on a Saturday or during the summer, my parents and my sister went to work in our vineyards. I stayed at home alone. By the time they came home I had made crêpes. Never before and not for a long time after did I make anything by myself in the kitchen. Both my sister and I occasionally helped, but the kitchen was my mother’s territory. On that day when they came home, my mother looked at me and said “You will be fine”, meaning I will be all right in the […]
Grasses of our garden – Füvek a kertünkben
Many people don’t realize that grasses can also be as beautiful as leaves when they change their colors. Here is a sample from our garden.
Leaves of our garden – Levelek a kertünkben
The many different kinds of leaves in our garden provide a never ending variety of color as the season changes. Even year after year we don’t get tired of their beauty.