Get creative in your kitchen. How? Gather a few good quality ingredients from your pantry, fridge, and freezer, and throw them together. Experiment. Use your imagination.
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Apple, plum, and coconut crumble – Sült alma és szilva kókuszos morzsával
Cleaning out the freezer, I found a few frozen plums. I immediately thought about making one of my favorite crumbles adapted from the 38th issue of Donna Hay Magazine.
My students this school year – Diákjaim az idei tanévben
You are officially gone from school now (except for five juniors and one freshman). I don’t need to prepare lesson plans for you or correct your quizzes and tests – instead, I can reflect on our year together. You definitely will not be forgotten!
May flowers en route – Májusi virágok útközben
Walking in May in Seattle presents an abundance of greenery and the color of a wide variety of amazing flowers. If you like flowers as much as I do, you will certainly appreciate the beauty I tried to capture.
Nusskuchen – German nut cake – Német diós torta
A collection of international cake recipes from all over the world offering fascinating insights into their origins; this could be a short description of my newest cookbook, World’s Best Cakes by London chef Roger Pizey. The book has two extra perks for me: 1) the food photography was done by the talented Czech photographer Šárka Babická 2) it was a present from my son.
Parents share their thoughts – A szülők gondolatai
Sharing information about happenings in the classroom with parents is always a positive experience. I’ve found this to be true in my Honors Precalculus, Intermediate Algebra, and Math Topics classes at Seattle Preparatory School, when I involved them in providing feedback to portfolios.
Students reflect on their portfolios – Idézetek a portfóliókból
Nothing speaks stronger about my students’ progress in mathematics and personal growth than their own words. Over the course of a few years, students reflected deeply on their experiences in my Honors Precalculus, Intermediate Algebra, and Math Topics classes. The reflections were a requirement of the portfolio assessment.
My students’ mathematics portfolios – Diákjaim matematika portfóliói
It all started accidentally, with reading an article. It was 1998, my first year of teaching in the USA. That memorable year taught me many lessons. Among those was the realization that along with my extensive experiences of teaching in Europe, I needed to explore and integrate new methods that were available in America.
Kaiserschmarrn – Császármorzsa
Do you have a favorite dish from your childhood? I’m sure, you do. This simple dish is one of my favorites from when I was a kid.
Tulip festival – Tulipánfesztivál
Tulip Festival! What a concept! Americans like to call a variety of events a festival. For example, they plant fields and fields of tulips for getting tulip bulbs for the following year’s season, and they invite the public to view the magnificent fields of colorful flowers – this is called a festival.
Liptauer: sheep cheese spread – Liptói juhtúrós kőrözött
Liptauer is a unique, piquant cheese spread made with paprika and caraway. It originates from Central-Europe, more precisely from the region known until 1918 as the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In these days, in Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Northern-Italy, or Serbia – just to name a few geographic locations – there are many variations of thi
Thought on discovery – A felfedezésről
“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” — Albert Szent-Györgyi