This mysterious, unique, and breathtaking island of Indonesia has something for everyone. We came here for a week to experience the distinct culture and to see the world’s largest lizard, the Komodo dragon.
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In transit in Singapore – Átutazóban Szingapúrban
A quick 12 hours, packed with lots of adventures! Getting from Papua New Guinea to Indonesia via two flights through Singapore. For now, it was our short visit to this unique city state.
Quick tour of Port Moresby – Gyors városnézés Port Moresbyben
We wished we had more time to explore the capital city of Papua New Guinea, the largest of the country. The visit was quick, but we were glad to get a glimpse of life in this city.
Meeting the Huli tribe – Találkozás a Huli törzzsel
The Huli tribe is one of the most colorful and iconic tribes of Papua New Guinea. They inhabit the Tari Valley in the Southern Highlands Province. This is one of the few remaining areas where people still adhere to many of their traditional beliefs. We had two days to discover as much as we could about the area and its people.
Welcome to Karawari Lodge – Üdvözöllek a Karawari lakban
This unique and stunning lodge in the lowlands of the East Sepik Province is one of the most remote and unspoiled destinations of Papua New Guinea. We spent two nights here.
Karawari moments – Karawari pillanatok
For two days, we found ourselves in one of the most remote and unspoiled destinations of Papua New Guinea, in one of the few remaining untouched rainforests on the globe. From the spring-like weather of the highlands we arrived in the hot and humid weather of the Sepik region.
Finally in Papua New Guinea – Végre Pápua Új-Guineában
We were so excited to be in Papua New Guinea, a place unlike any other! We planned to spend an intense week here and hoped to experience the natural beauty, exotic wildlife, and rich cultural traditions of the country. We were ready to make incredible memories.
Visiting rural Queensland – Látogatás vidéken Queenslandben
At the end of our Australian trip, we visited the town of Nanango and its surroundings, including the Bunya Mountains, in the south-east of the state of Queensland. We spent three lovely days there with our friends.
Postcards from Brisbane – Képeslapok Brisbane-ből
Australia’s third largest city with its gorgeous river views is a pleasant place that we liked very much. We spent four days here, the capital of Queensland. Despite its size, it surprised us with its lush greenery, beautiful parks, public art, the mixture of old and modern architecture, and its holiday vibe.
Outback adventure: Kata Tjuta and Uluru – Kata Tjuta és Uluru a vörös sivatagban
Uluru – Kata Tjuta National Park is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Area for its natural and cultural values. In 1987, it got recognized for its “spectacular geological formations, rare plants and animals, and exceptional natural beauty,” then in 1994, for its “cultural landscape” (traditional belief systems).
The start of our outback adventure – Vörös sivatagi kalandjaink kezdete
We were now in Australia’s Northern Territory ready for exploring the Red Center – as part of a group tour. We began with Kings Canyon on the first day, and continued with Kata Tjuta and Uluru on the second.
An unforgettable experience aboard The Ghan – Felejthetetlen élmény a Ghan fedélzetén
A unique and unforgettable experience awaited us on one of the world’s most renowned rail journeys. We traveled The Ghan, the Red Center Explorer, which is running in the heart of Australia, connecting the northern and southern points of the country.