What did I pack for 78 days (11 weeks) in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and New Zealand for two carry-ons and two small personal items? Here is our list.
We are carry-on only travelers – Csak kézipoggyásszal utazók vagyunk
Or, how to pack for Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and New Zealand – Avagy, csomagolás az ausztráliai, pápua új-guineai, indonéziai és új-zélandi útra
Yes, the Big Trip! – Igen, a nagy utazás!
Our new epic adventure, our fourth “trip of a lifetime,” is soon to begin. Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and New Zealand, here we come!
Slovakia – Szlovákia
Czech Republic – Csehország
United States of America – Amerikai Egyesült Államok
Saint Kitts and Nevis – Saint Kitts és Nevis
Tanzania – Tanzánia
Kenya – Kenya
Ethiopia – Etiópia
Madagascar – Madagaszkár
Christmas lights – Karácsonyi fények
They brighten up December evenings. They help us to get in the spirit of the season.