After the flight above the Tasman Peninsula, our destination was Port Arthur, a 65-kilometer drive from the Cambridge Aerodrome. We reached it by 3:30 in the afternoon.
Author: Márta
Tasmania by air – Tasmánia a levegőből
Superstitious people think Friday, the 13th is a day of bad luck, but for us, it was lucky. Luck in terms of clear weather and luck in terms of the beauty of the landscape.
Snapshots from Hobart – Pillanatképek Hobartból
After a 50-minute flight on Qantas Airways, we arrived in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, from Melbourne. We rented a car, and the Wilderness and Beaches Adventure began.
Tasmania adventures – Tasmániai kalandok
Tasmania is Australia’s island state, the 27th largest island in the world. It’s sparsely populated; approximately 500,000 people live here. It’s an incredibly diverse island with wonderful landscapes and snow-white sandy beaches.
Three days in Melbourne – Három nap Melbourne-ben
This vibrant, multicultural city – Australia’s second largest – truly impressed us. It’s one of the world’s most liveable cities. We loved our stay here but quickly realized that much more time was needed to fully appreciate all the city has to offer.
Almost like time travel – Szinte időutazás
Things were looking good for our big travel. The packing list was finalized and I was ready to start packing.
Our carry-on packing list – Pakolólista kézipoggyászos utazásunkra
What did I pack for 78 days (11 weeks) in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and New Zealand for two carry-ons and two small personal items? Here is our list.
We are carry-on only travelers – Csak kézipoggyásszal utazók vagyunk
Or, how to pack for Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and New Zealand – Avagy, csomagolás az ausztráliai, pápua új-guineai, indonéziai és új-zélandi útra
Yes, the Big Trip! – Igen, a nagy utazás!
Our new epic adventure, our fourth “trip of a lifetime,” is soon to begin. Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and New Zealand, here we come!