Walk around Green Lake in the winter – Téli séta a Green Lake tó körül

This morning, walking around the lake meant walking in the snow.  Winter walks in Seattle usually don’t involve snow – rain mainly, or chilly, dry conditions.  But lots of show fell during the night, and I wanted to see the local winter wonderland as soon as possible.

We went with Steve on our walk before 8 am, before breakfast, enjoying the crisp air and the snow-blanketed scenery.  Green Lake Park was almost empty at the beginning, then we met a few people walking their dogs and some more on cross-country skis.

It felt good to be out there, there were even many “Good morning!” greetings exchanged and the promise of scones and hot chocolate for breakfast at home.

Havas séta volt a ma reggeli.  A téli séták Seattle-ben általában nem ilyenek; errefelé vagy esik az eső, vagy zúzmarás a reggel.  Mára virradólag azonban sok hó hullott, s én minél előbb látni szerettem volna a téli csodát a Green Lake tó körül.  Reggel 8 előtt már kinn voltunk Steve-vel a szabadban, élvezvén a friss levegőt és a hótakaró látványát.  A tó környéke kezdetben szinte üresnek tűnt, aztán találkoztunk a kutyájukat sétáltatókkal és olyanokkal is, akik a gyaloglást sífutásra cserélték el.  Számos „Jó reggelt!” üdvözlés is elhangzott.  Jó volt kinn lenni a tó körül. s közben arra gondolni, hogy otthon majd édes pogácsát (scones) és forró csokoládét készitünk reggelire.


  1. Beverly Robinson

    Marta, these photos are exquisite especially with the pops of color. I am enjoying your blog with so many recipes and travel destinations. Steve is a lucky man to have teamed up with you!

    • Beverly,
      Thank you for your comment and for following my blog. Thank you for your encouragement – it means a lot. Our walk today was so nice and everything we saw made me feel very good about all the beauty in life.

      • Beverly Robinson

        May I say that you are the beauty in life. Anyone who can produce a blog such as this has a great deal of love and talent to share with the world.
        I am so happy to learn about Almond Meal and how to bake your breakfast bread. I have shared the recipe with friends.

        • Thank you very much. I am glad that my blog can be a source for learning something new. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Let me know if you have baked anything from the blog and how it turned out.

  2. Beverly Robinson

    You are very welcome, Marta.
    And baking is a learning experience for me! The bread is my favorite but I want to try so many more recipes and will let you know how they trun out. My very best to you and Steve.

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