Walking in Prague – Prágai séta

There are many different ways to enjoy Prague, to be a tourist in the Golden City, the Czech capital.  The city is the place of my college years; I feel at home here.  Let me share with you some of my favorite walks on the cobblestone streets, seeing some of the famous sites.

Take tram #22 up the hill and enjoy the spectacular panoramic views of the city and start your walk from Hradčany (Prague Castle).  Walk through the Castle at a leisurely pace marveling at the different architectural styles.

Go inside the magnificent Chrám svatého Víta (Cathedral of St. Vitus).  The Zlatá ulička (Golden Lane), the picturesque little street is optional – there are long lines here all the time.

Walk down the Zámecké schody (Castle Steps) leading from Prague Castle to Malá Strana (Lesser Quarter), on the left bank of the Vltava river.  But before you do, enjoy the incredible views of the city with its brick red rooftops.

Spend some time on Malostranské náměstí (Lesser Square), stop by the Chrám svatého Mikuláše (Church of St. Nicholas), and walk in the narrow, picturesque Nerudova ulice (Nerudova Street) featuring elegant houses.

For lunch, try some traditional Czech food, maybe in the restaurant Baráčnická rychta – a short walk on Tržiště Street.

Walk through the famous pedestrian Karlův most (Charles Bridge) which has 32 statues and groups of sculptures, and dates back to 1300.  If you are interested, check out Kampa Island (with its John Lennon Wall) that offers beautiful views.

From the Charles Bridge – entering Staré město (Old Town) – continue walking toward the spectacular Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square).  Get lost a little bit in the small streets – eventually you will end up on the square.  You cannot miss it, there are always many tourists here waiting for the Procession of Apostles every full hour of the 15th century Orloj (Astronomical Clock) on the Old Town Hall Tower.

My favorite church here is the Kostel Matky Boží před Týnem (Church of Our Lady before Týn).

Relax by the bronze monument to Ján Hus and watch the people and the magnificent stage-like buildings.

Walk through Celetná ulice (Celetná Street) – one of the oldest streets in Prague – toward Prašná brána (Powder Tower), and check out the Obecní dům (Municipal House).

Come back on Na Příkopě (Na Příkopě Street) toward Václavské náměstí (Wencheslas Square) in the heart of New Town. Walk up one side of the square toward the National Museum, check out the famous St. Wenceslas Statue,

then come back on the other side, and walk on Národní třída (National Avenue) toward the Vltava (Moldau) river reaching the imposing Národní divadlo (National Theater) building with its golden stars on its roof.

Spend some time on Smetanovo nábřeží (Smetana Embankment) enjoying the view of the Castle.

Maybe have some delicious Czech pastry at the Café Slavia,

then walk through the most Legií (Legion Bridge) across the river and visit the Memorial to the Victims of Communism.

There are other famous sites you can also visit in Prague – wander into the Jewish Quarter and visit the Old Jewish Cemetery and Synagogue, or walk to Karlovo náměstí (Charles Square) to see the New City Town Hall.  But this is a different walk for some other time.

One Comment

  1. So Beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful pictures and your personal commentary!

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